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 The Triads Family

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PostSubject: The Triads Family   The Triads Family I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2012 1:17 pm

August 1996, a time of apparent peace in any country. Sicily was different. What is it famous for Grove Street Grove Street, Corleone, Barzini. We've all seen them, taking control of certain areas, trying to gain respect. They had their own wars going on, which lasted long after the Great War. At the time, Sicily was being controlled by two main powers, The Mafias and Corleone. Bitter battles that lasted long and hit hard on the population of these Grove Street took place every day. Our story starts 10 years back during this time of supposed peace for all countries, with a Sgarrista (a soldier) who goes by the name of Marty.

I don't know if you've ever been to Sicily in the summer, but I have. The sun is blaring down on you and the heat, well it's f**king unbearable. We still gotta do our jobs though, even if it means standing in this sauna guarding the compound from the enemy. Yea, yea, you may laugh. Not a very good life is it? Well it pays, and it pays well. You gotta like getting your hands dirty though; not the dirt from mud or grease, the dirt from blood and the bastards that think they know best. I don't do much of the dirty work right now, just the old job when there's no one else about. Hopefully one day I'll be rolling with the big fish. Anyway, back to the sauna, I got my man Franco here next to me; he's a Sgarrista too. We were meant to be guarding the compound, looking out for the Corleone cockroaches. To be honest, I hadn't seen any in about a week, they'd gone quiet. Maybe they were planning something; maybe they'd finished their attacks for now. We were out there on orders of the Capo Bastone, Joe. He's a good guy, a little hard from time to time but hey, what do you expect from a gangster? I didn't know where the Don was, he'd been out of town for about a month. Some said he was ill, gonna be sleeping with the fishes very soon. Some say he was visiting the family out in the US. I didn't know what to believe but whatever it was, we weren't not on first name terms. Back to the job at hand, I saw the flash of a vehicle in the distance. That must be Joey come back from the market? I said to Franco. I looked again and saw cursed out loud as I felt a bullet smash into the hut next to me. I shouted out to the others, but it was too late. The Corleone Alfa came hurtling into the gate, knocking it back with such a force I hadn't seen before. I looked to my left and saw the Tommy-gun wielding bandits shooting off in ever direction. I saw Leonardo fall, took a bullet straight in the head. As I looked back up the road, more and more cars got closer and closer. I realised that I was just lying on the floor, not doing anything. I picked myself up and crawled into the gate hut. Inside I saw Franco, sitting there with a bullet lodged into his leg. I went over to him and sat with him. We must've sat there for about an hour before the shooting stopped. What else could we do? All the guards were down, only me and Franco remained. Two against fifty, I'd like to see the outcome of that. Finally we heard the engines of the cars fire up and drive slowly out of the compound. We waited another ten minutes I helped him up. What I saw was anything worse than I?d seen before. Bodies everywhere, empty shells, blood, you name it, and it was there. I turned to Franco and said, S**t Franco, is this the end?? I don't think so Marty. I'm sure The Grove Street will live on. One day we'll dish out our own beating to those c**k-suckers.We did live on and like a Phoenix from ashes, we were re-born. A lot of s**t happened over the next few years, we were slowly rebuilding ourselves. For one, Franco were promoted; a proud member of the The Grove Street family. Oh yea, and remember the Don? He did die, not long after the shooting. Joe took over from him and appointed me as his right hand man. Not a bad position, ey? But we did bring The Grove Street back, I mean look where it is today.

If there's one thing I don't like about San Andreas, it?s the weather. You know, one minute it can be boiling hot and the next it p***es it down with rain. I think I prefer the heat of Sicily if I have to be honest but hey, we gotta go where the family goes. We moved to San Andreas just Joe became head of the family. He said that it would be a good place to set our foundations and build a new life. What we didn?t expect was how populated it was with other Grove Streets and gangs.

So we touched down in Los Santos International and a car was waiting for us; by us I mean Joe, myself and Franco. We'd taken the private Shamal from an airport just outside of Rome, a long and boring flight. Those in-flight TV's never work, do they? So yea, we touched down at about 12:30, just in time for some lunch. That's where I first met Scat, he was just a driver at the time; I recruited him a while after. He drove us towards Vinewood, a place that would become our compound. Joe was looking out the back window and a bistro must've caught his eye. He signalled for Scat to pull over so he did. We went into the bistro, to my surprise, it was empty. A person who must've been the manager came over to us and I started talking. Why's this place so empty? You got a nice little bistro here. It's the local mob, you know... They come in demanding s**t from me but I don't got enough to pay 'em. I'm just a simple bistro owner, you know. That was the start of my good relationship with Jerry, the bistro owner. I offered him some protection and in return he said he?d brandish our name within the bistro. Within that first week we must've stopped at nearly all the businesses along that road. We offered them all protection and they gave us many things in return. It was easy to watch over them, after all our compound was just at the end. Oh yea, the compound, how could I forget. So we finished lunch at Jerry?s Bistro and carried on along the road. We got to the end and stopped at what will be our new compound. I got out the car and looked around. It was perfect for our new home. We bought it there and then, there was no doubt in it. Over the next few months, our boys came over slowly. Soon we had control of Vinewood and the surrounding area. We spread out across Los Santos, entering the property ladder by buying houses and businesses.

Los Santos wasn't enough for so we started looking elsewhere. We worked our way out from Los Santos, first through Red County. Franco and I took one of the Sultans from the compound and hit the highway, fast. We sped up towards Las Venturas, with me at the wheel of the vehicle. I brought it off at the last exit and we drove on towards Blueberry. We pulled into the country village, driving slowly past the on-lookers. I turned to Franco and said, We need somewhere to build from. Franco looked out the window; his eyes were set on the Ammunation. It was old, decrepit and ready for taking. I pulled up outside and we stepped out. I tucked my Beretta into my jacket; you gotta be ready at all times. I saw Franco do the same and I nodded my head to acknowledge it. *Ding Dong*, the bell chimed as we opened the door. I looked around, nothing, no one. S**t Franco, this place is f**ked!? He looked at me and smirked. Let's just set up here. No one will notice. So that's what we did. I brought in some guys to clear away the s**t. Within the next week we were ready and open for business.

With Blueberry under our control, we looked for a bigger place to conquer. Las Venturas was the obvious choice; it was just over the water from Blueberry. Things were going fine back in Los Santos, it was the summer and I was sitting in my office. The phone rang and I picked it up. It was Zesse, one of the new recruits. Your car is ready boss. I replied with a quick Thanks and put the phone down. I headed outside to greet Zesse. Ok Zesse, Joe wants us to go to Las Venturas, put our foot in there. Ok boss. I'll drive you there. I got in the car and waited for Joe. After 5 minutes, he finally came. We set off on the highway towards Las Venturas. When we arrived in Las Venturas we headed straight for the strip. There's a nice Ammunation off the strip, Joe said aloud. Zesse swung the car round and headed towards it. Like before, the Ammunation was empty and within a week, it was fully operational. This happened all over the place; there was only one place that stood in our way, San Fierro. You see, San Fierro was and still is controlled by a few Grove Streets, none of which we get on well with. You've got Gvardia running the main chunk of it and Ancelotti running the rest of it. Like Corleone in Sicily, these bastards seemed to be everywhere; ruining s**t non-stop. ?We gotta do something about San Fierro, I said to Joe. We will, don't worry about it. When Joe says something like that, I really trust him on it. You know, that's what we did.

It wasn't long after the events in Las Venturas that we lost Franco. When I say lost, I don't mean he was whacked or anything. He left us for Ancelotti; well I thought he left us. I woke up on the Saturday morning, pulled on my pants and went out into the compound. I couldn't see Franco's Sultan so I thought he must've gone out for a drive. I headed over to Carlos, a new recruit, who was guarding the gate, to ask if he'd seen Franco go. Yea, I saw him heading towards San Fierro boss. I nodded my head, turned on my heel and headed back inside the compound. I walked through the labyrinth, eventually turning up at Joe's office. Joe was inside, writing something about Los Santos. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he looked up. Martin, what's up? he inquired. It's Franco; one of the guards saw him leave for San Fierro. Joe laughed and stated, It's nothing. He's gone on a mission to infiltrate Ancelotti. He'll be back soon. I nodded my head and stepped out of the office.

A week later, Franco returned to the compound with a huge smile on his face. We talked for what must've been 3 hours! He'd gone into the Ancelotti family, un-questioned and got a few answers to our questions. He gave us an update on their compound, their members and their vehicles. To be fair on them, they ain't doing too badly. Anyway, Franco was back and we were free to start work. I walked out into the compound and jumped into my Buffalo. Joe followed and sat in the seat next to me. We headed out of the compound passing a black Admiral, which was sitting opposite our HQ. I peered out of the left hand window attempting to see who was in the car. Who's that over there? I said to Joe as I pointed towards the Admiral. As I said it, the cars engine started up and it pulled away in a puff of smoke. Follow it, Joe ordered. I slammed my foot onto the accelerator and set off after the Admiral. After a short, 5-minute pursuit the black Admiral pulled up outside the FBI Headquarters in Downtown Los Santos. S**t, it's the feds, I cursed. I backed the Buffalo up and swung it round to face back the way we came. Then from out of nowhere a white Sentinel slammed into the side of us. The Buffalo went spinning back and as it did I just managed to take a glance at the Sentinel. Gvardia's, I said to Joe. S**t, Joe cursed. Looks like they're after us. I head a crack and then felt a bullet from an AK-47 slam into the side of the Buffalo. I kicked the door open and grabbed my Beretta from the glove compartment. I saw Joe do the same and we both dived behind the car. Round after round of AK-47 bullets came hurtling towards us. When they stopped to reload, we returned fire. I saw one of their members fall, took a bullet straight to the chest. We gotta call for back-up! Joe shouted. I nodded and open the left hand door of the Buffalo. Keep me covered you crazy bastard!? I shouted back. Once inside the car, I tried to look for the CB Radio handset. I found it lying on the floor and grabbed it. I jumped back out and sat next to Joe. All units, we need immediate back up at Downtown Los Santos. Under attack from five to ten Gvardia members!? I threw the radio back into the car and grabbed my Beretta from beside me. We continued firing shots back at them until our men arrived. I saw them come storming down the road, MP5's blaring. Joe and I stood up and unloaded a final clip towards the Gvardia's. We jumped into the Buffalo and I started the engine up. I watched as the final attackers fell victim to the MP5's. I shook my head and started a slow drive back towards the compound. I turned to Joe and said, Damn, looks like we're back at war. Joe nodded and took his phone from his pocket. He dialled a number and put the phone to his ear, I want twice as many men on the gates. We're at war, we can't lose again. He snapped the phone shut and placed it back into his pocket. I looked at Joe and carried on driving towards the compound. By the time we arrived back, three new guards had assembled at the main gate. I nodded to the one of them and he opened the gate. Through you go boss, he said as he opened the gate. I waved my hand in acknowledgement and ploughed on through the gate. I parked the Buffalo centrally, turned the engine off and pocketed the keys. I saw Joe make his way into the main building and I followed, tucking my Beretta back into its holster. I followed Joe into his office where we sat down. I watched Joe as he poured out two glasses of Jack Daniel's. He slid one across the table into my awaiting hand. I took and sip and looked at Joe. We're at war again Martin, he said to me. It's not gonna be easy, I answered. Franco joined us a bit later and we sat, drank and talked about the future. We moved to San Andreas to get away from the wars but it looked like we had moved into a war. What we didn't know was that it would be a war on two fronts. Since we had moved here, the FBI had been onto us, slowly filing cases against us and they would soon strike.
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PostSubject: Re: The Triads Family   The Triads Family I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2012 5:48 pm

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