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 The Manila Angels

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Kurt Rizal

Posts : 2
Points : 6
Join date : 06/04/2012
Age : 28
Location : Marikina, Philippines

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PostSubject: The Manila Angels   The Manila Angels I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2012 12:57 pm

Gang Leader: Kurt Rizal

Level of Leader: 5

Gang Co leader(s):

Level of Co leader :

Background story of the gang (minimum of 1,500 words):

The Manila Angels Szvsdi

If you look down on Liberty City, it is said that you can see whatever you
most desire in the shadows of the buildings. But the Rizal family never paid attention
to such nonsense. As they docked, it was said that a look of hope flashed through
Mister Rizal, but the hope was shortlived.
The tale goes as such; As they arrived at Liberty City, they purchased a small house on the outskirts.
After months of planning, they decided upon an idea, a concept to overthrow the goverment and make
Liberty City their town, as the Liberty City Police Department stood on their side, however, there was
one man who fought agaisnt them. A famous man, owner of many clubs in Liberty City, aswell as being a
stock holder in the popular brand of fast-food, Cluck'N'Bell. The Rizal family realised that
this was a battle they would loose without an army.
The Manila Angels 2629sn8
Reaching their second year in Liberty City, they transported many of their friends from Philippines, to help
fight their cause. The Family was well known for their bank robberies, with military-like execution,
the breached every bank and major shop in Liberty City, in the space of a year.
Their ability to understand the police was an impeciable skill they had, it was like they could read
the future, like they knew every move the Liberty City Police Department made, before they make it.
Thus, they became one of the largest Mafia in Liberty City. Another few years had past, and their fight
for dominance and power was still strugling on, with little to no sign of their rich overseer.
Untill one day.
The Rizal Family were on an outing at a rather fancy resteraunt, South of Liberty City.
They took a large boat across, they drank fine wines, and ate expensive foods on their way to their
destination. They told their members that they'd be gone for a few days, as a man named Henry Ville
had invited them to a party. With their new found ritches, they set off on a weeklong adventure, forgetting
about their duties.
It was around Six'O'Clock on that cold and damp January day. It was reported that a large man, wearing a suit aproached
The Angels HeadQuaters, carrying a sportsbag. An hour later, their HeadQuaters was rubble, their bank accounts empty
and most of their members dead. It was a tragic blow to The Rizal Family, returning to their City
with nothing but the clothes on their back.
Henry Ville was a very rich man, owner of alot of nightclubs in Liberty City, as well as being a Stock-Holder
in the popular brand of Fast-food, Cluck'N'Bell. The Rizal Family contained two brothers, Abram and
Bogdan, and their father, Vitaly. Unfortunately, thats where this story ends. The Rizal Family went under the radar.
Even Henry Ville, the ritchest man in Liberty City, couldn't find the brothers. Still, he didn't worry.
Rumours passed the streets, saying that The Manila Angels had disbanded, and the brothers killed by another gang.
The Manila Angels 29uym4z
The brothers journeyed across the States with their father. During the journey, Father Vitaly became sick.
He passed not days after, his body dicovered burried, with a cross, engraved with Filipino words.
The official autopsy reported that the father had died by the common flu, and was transported back to Liberty City to be burried.
The words on the cross translated to; "We'll make you proud, father".
Whispers said that the brothers crossed the states by foot, stealing whatever they could get their hands on.
Whilst close to their desired destination, they robbed a small bank. They breached the doors within seconds, and breached the vault
within minutes. The witnesses claim that a man walked in during the robbery, holding a gun.
He was a tall man, wearing a suit, black hair and blue eyes. He had a long nose, and a bowler hat.
He aimed the gun at Bogdan, putting preasure on the trigger. The autopsy reports states that Bogdan's death
was a resault of a single gunshot wound to the head, and in the notes, it was states; "Whoever shot this gun, was either very lucky,
or very experienced".
Devistated by the loss of his brother and father, Abram went insane with rage. He sworn to seek revenge, but knowing he was growing older
and that time was of the essence, he wrote his life story in a diary. He made his way to San Andreas, meeting his ex-wife as planned.
His wife looked after Abram, as he fell deeper into madness. Their son's, Sergei and Theo, watched as their father went mad.
Kurt and Theo had very little memories of their father, as he'd left when they were both young.
Whilst Kurt and Sergei were sitting at their fathers deathbed, he gave Theo, the oldest, his torn diary.
The Manila Angels 25fu1hf
The brothers took their turn to read the diary, understanding what they must do.
Theo, 21 and Kurt, 19, set off to gather the Manila Angels members that had survived the attack.
They found two, both had a family. The two set off to Los Santos, where they met the brothers, reading the diary
of Abram. They spent three years teaching them their methods, teaching them how to use guns, rob banks and shops,
and live how their father did. They started to gather wealth, buying a large compound West of Los Santos, as they helped train
The Manila Angels back to their former glory. They became very good buisnessmen, but also very good killers, as they attempted to
set aside their morals, and do what they'd like for personal gain, and to honor their father.
They began to understand why their father wasn't around much, and why their mother never worked, but still had a large house, and a nice car.
Their father had been sending her money, enough for them to live dependantly.
Kurt set off to Philippines in an attempt to gather more members, with the promise of making them rich.
He returned years later, to find his mother dead, and more members in his compound.
They began to train the members how to fight, shoot and steal, but also telling a tale of a man who dreamed of leading an empire,
They traveled to Liberty City, this time bigger, stronger and more prepared. Henry Ville was an old man, now.
They didn't want to kill him, but instead tortured him, untill he was begging for death, finally killing him.
They traveled back to San Andreas, their numbers still intact, and started to live their lives with their new family.
In the last pages of Abrams diary, he said; "Crime is art, money the paint, and we the paintbrush."

The Manila Angels 34insk9
One of the old Angels had said something in passing, and out of curiosity, they asked.
It was rumoured that Abram had a sister, but it was never confirmed.
Determined to find out their routes, Kurt set off on a second trip to Philippines to find his lost family.
He searched for some time, but to no avail, but came across an old woman, unable to speak.
He was walking past, on his way for answers, when the old woman touched him on his shoulder.
For a reason Kurt didn't know, he felt that he knew this woman, so he trusted his gut and followed.
She lead him to a small house, about a minute away from where they met. Upon entering, she pointed at a picture-frame.
On closer inspection, he noticed his father, Abram, looking rather young, aswell as a boy, with similar facial features,
and a man standing behind them. He asked the woman; "Is that my father?". In response, the woman nodded.
She grabbed a pen and paper, and started to scrawl some letters. It said "Your cousin isn't here. She's married. She had 1 daughter".
She grabbed a book, placing it in Kurt's hands.
After she'd given him the book, she made her way upstairs, gesturing at a spair room, with a single bed inside.
She nodded once, and made her way to her room, and went to sleep.
The next day, Kurt went into her room to find the old lady dead. She'd passed in her sleep.
Now with the answers he craved, he made his way back to San Andreas.
He sat down with his brother, and read the tale.
The Manila Angels Ear13l
Abrams father was a very ritch and powerfull man, with high-hopes for his son.
He formed The Manila Angels to do his bidding, as he was retired from that buisness, and had no plans
of going back to prison.
After they became wealthy, Abrams father bought a factory, hiring workers to create weapons for him.
At the time, the Philippine goverment paid little to no attention to his buisness, but instead un-officially bought his goods.
But he became greedy. Philippines wasn't enough. Thus, he made plans to set off to Liberty City.
His wife begged him to stay in Philippines, but he ignored her. She tried everything she could to stop him
from leaving Philippines, and in the end, he slit her throat.
Abrams father was a very cold man, but he loved his sons dearly, and would never harm them.
But yet again, he said the same thing about his wife.
The Manila Angels 97skev
Currently, The Manila Angels are the biggest suppliers of arms in San Andreas, as well as one of the most wanted orginized crime groups
in history. However, their numbers are not great, but they're still growing.
The word on the street is, they're gathering more from Philippines, mostly ex-convicts and wanted suspects, murderes, rapists and drug dealers.
Henry Ville is dead, but the fight isn't over yet. The dream of leading a city still runs through the Rizal Family veigns.
Determined to make their father proud, they began their fight for San Andreas.

Rank Names

Rank6 : Kingpin

Rank5 : Underboss

Rank4 : Right Hand

Rank3 : Commander

Rank2 : Recruiter

Rank1 : HomeBoy

Rank Duties

Rank 6 : Commands All

Rank 5 : Commands but not at all

Rank 4 : Commands Major orders

Rank 3 : Commands minor orders

Rank 2 : Errands / Recruiter / Support

Rank 1 : Errands

Skins(Max Skin

Rank6 : 240, 294, 186, 120

Rank5 : 165, 166, 208

Rank4 : 147, 123, 119

Rank3 : 101, 98

Rank2 : 111, 296

Rank1 : 15,29, 60

Gang Cars (Max Car's 10):

Car 1: Admiral The Manila Angels Admiral-GTASA-front

Car 2: Admiral The Manila Angels Admiral-GTASA-front

Car 3: Premier The Manila Angels 300px-Premier-GTASA-front

Car 4: Premier The Manila Angels 300px-Premier-GTASA-front

Car 5: Huntley The Manila Angels Huntley-GTASA-CIA-front

Car 6: The Manila Angels Huntley-GTASA-CIA-front

Car 7: Maverick The Manila Angels 20091113124310!Maverick-GTASA-front

Car 8: Maverick The Manila Angels 20091113124310!Maverick-GTASA-front

Car 9: Elegant The Manila Angels Elegant_(SA)

Car 10: Patriot

SS of the Hq:
The Manila Angels Xmj4pf
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Posts : 8
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Join date : 27/03/2012
Location : Iraq

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PostSubject: Re: The Manila Angels   The Manila Angels I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 4:14 pm

Awesome application Neutral
But the player left/not active so
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